Category Archives: Cultivation

Spring Growing Season

Spring is almost here! Time to think about new and ongoing mushroom projects.

This time of year, I start to scheme about the various new growing projects that will be tried this season. Planning on the types of mushrooms early,  makes it easier to insure that you will  be able to get the spawn you need in time to start your project.

It also becomes important to know exactly how you plan on proceeding, so you can get the spawn in the form that you need. There are many ways to get started, but spawn purchased from a reputable source is the safest way to get started.

This is also a good time to check on your ongoing, outdoor growing projects.  With the recent warm weather, my beds have dried up some. Layering more leaves and snow on them will help them stay dormant

Mushroom Farmer

An inspiring story about a young mushroom farmer named David Falkowski, who was asked the question…

Why mushrooms? I realized that mushrooms are a key component in the cycling of organic matter. Through mushroom cultivation not only do you create humus, or organically rich soil, the basis of soil, but also, as a bonus, we create awesome healing healthy food and powerful medicinals.”