Attention Mushroom Lovers!
Now is the time to move the grow your favorite Gourmet mushroom inside! I enjoyed organic Shiitake mushrooms all winter last year. The kits make it easy to get started and they don’t take much room.
Hello Mushroom Hunters! How did everyone do this year? The spring started off with a bang…morels and oysters everywhere…and then the heat came and everything stopped. We waited, and waited, and then the rains came! The fall season was a perfect mix of rain and heat. The chanterelles came, the porcini came and all of the other fall favorites showed up for the party. Every time it got too dry for mushrooms, the rains came and saved the flush. I don’t ever remeber picking this late into the year.
We have added a new Grow Kit to our Store!
Grow these delicious organic oyster mushrooms right out of the box in just 3 easy steps – open, mist and harvest (Includes a free mister) Repeat to grow a second crop.
The Ideal Gift The award-winning Mushroom Farm, a recipient of the SOFI Gold Award has been featured on the Today Show, Oprah magazine, Sunset, Food & Wine Magazine and many more.
Made in USA The Mushroom Farm is designed in California and grown in Michigan. Martha Stewart selected Back to the Roots as a Top 10 American Made Company.
Certified Organic The Mushroom Farm is certified organic by QAI and USDA. It uses 100% recycled materials as the growing medium (saw dust, corn cobs, soy husks and wheat bran).
Paying it Forward Back to the Roots will donate a free Mushroom Farm to any elementary school classroom for every picture of the Mushroom Farm posted to their Facebook page.