Fresh Homegrown Shiitake for Dinner!
As I look out at the cold and snow, I am warmed by the thought of eating fresh mushrooms!
As I look out at the cold and snow, I am warmed by the thought of eating fresh mushrooms!
Mycelium Running Oyster Patch
Pleurotus ostreatus (Pearl Oyster)
A 55-75 ° F indoor temperature is required for this Patch.
This Patch has been designed for more advanced cultivators, or for those looking for a good project to experiment with.
Mushrooms can vary from a white to a light grey color.
The Patch should be prepared within 2 weeks of receiving.
The amount of mushrooms harvested greatly depends on the type and amount of substrate used. But typically you can grow 1-3 pounds of fresh mushrooms.
The Patch can be mixed with a variety of substrates including newspaper, cardboard, and straw.
Full instructions with substrate ideas are included along with a toll free Mushroom Hotline for any questions you might have.
Our online description:
The team at Fungi Perfecti has been busy advancing methods for low tech mushroom cultivation to create a mushroom patch for science students and experienced cultivators alike. The Mycelium Running Oyster Mushroom Patch is the perfect way for more advanced cultivators to try their hand at a variety of these methods. A very versatile species, the Pearl Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) can be grown both indoors and outdoors, on various substrate materials including deciduous wood chips, stumps, logs and straw—even coffee and espresso grounds—as described in Paul Stamets’ most recent book Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms can Help Save the World. This Mushroom Patch is a step beyond our basic “ready to fruit” patch, as you will receive only the mushroom spawn along with some tips and instructions for use. The rest is up to you
I just got to check out the shiitake growing kit from Fungi Perfecti. This was an indoor growing kit and looked like it is ready to go.
Some lucky guy in my family got it for his birthday! He is a budding mushroom farmer so it was a great gift. I will keep us updated on the site as it grows. I hope to report on the eating of these mushrooms also. Shiitakes are great for us and another way to eat your medicine and like it too!
You can find more kits like this one from the people at Fungi Perfecti on the link on the main page of this site.
I bought the The Giant Morel Mushroom Patch™ as a gift for my dad last October. The kit is available at (link on homepage) and is one of many mushroom kits and products available. Dad lives in Oregon now and I was curious how the kit would grow. He also loves morels and is living in a new area, so homegrown mushrooms in his backyard seemed like a good idea.
Dad followed the instructions and his mushroom bed was ready before the end of October. The kit can take up to 2 years to produce mushrooms, and morels are one of the tougher fungi to grow. Report from Oregon last week was the patch has produced its first morel. There won’t probably be many mushrooms to eat this year, but we know the fungus is established and growing underground.
Quite a feat for a first time mushroom farmer, and when the conditions are right there will be gourmet food.
I have ordered another outdoor kit and some inoculated plugs from fungi perfecti and will report on their progress. I was so impressed with the results of the The Giant Morel Mushroom Patch™ that I just ordered another one as a gift. I will report on it’s progress also as it will live in Montana!